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Erwin Boucher
It's a bit controversial, but I think it's worth taking a look to form your own opinion...

Emerson Bradford
I just started watching it, and this video has already made me see diabetes in a new way.

Forrest Quimby
I will share this video with others. I know people with financial difficulties whom this video could help get out of that life.

Gladys Whitmore
I didn't like the editing of the video... But I totally get it! I believe in everything.

Jodie Little
The solution was always there... but no one saw it. Thank you so much; you have brought light and hope!

Myra Finch
Does it really work?

Clarice Hathaway
It really works, I am living proof... I was on the verge of death... thanks to this video, I was saved. My whole family is ecstatic; we are trying to give back to this great woman who helped us. I share this video every day.

Dorothy Platt
Impressive I'm starting today with my husband... We both have diabetes.

Margaret Wright
I had never heard of this before; it seemed strange but makes a lot of sense... I've already started trying it, and it's working in the first few days!

Stephen Johnson
I hope it works, I've tried so many things already! But it makes a lot of sense.

Dexter Coldwell
God bless this woman

Elizabeth Algreen
Amen! God bless you.

Forrest Quimby
All people who suffer from diabetes need to see this. What it shows is incredible; I never thought this could happen!

Ace Trine
The video seemed very short to me, I wish there was more material, but I enjoyed it and I will start doing everything that was taught.

Merly Smith
Very cool, I'm going to try it!